6 Time Management Tips Every Manager Should Master

6 Time Management Tips Every Manager Should Master

If supervising people, meeting production goals and improving workplace efficiency were easy, everyone would be a manager. The problem is almost always time. How do you allocate it in a way that best improves the chances of meeting the goals that you set for yourself and your team? With a little forethought, focus and knowledge you can keep from getting bogged down from tackling too many tasks at once.

  • Have a list and follow it: Lists are great things to create and follow. They help you know which goals you have set for yourself so that you can see how your time is spent. Set SMART goals for yourself on a daily, monthly and yearly basis. Also, set goals for your team so that they know what is expected of them.

  • Master the art of communication: Managers who effectively communicate their instructions to workers seldom end up with workers who are confused and need to have those needs explained to them again and again. This is a huge waste of time. Finally, check with your subordinates from time to time to make sure that your instructions are clear and are being followed.

  • Use technology to your advantage: Task management software helps you keep the progress of where you are on preset goals that you create for yourself.

  • Prioritize: Learn to help employees prioritize their responsibilities with an emphasis on customer needs. Encourage your team to complete the task they have started before moving on to the next tasks.

  • Stay well organized: Locating misplaced tools and documents waste time that could be used completing assigned tasks. Make sure that all employees understand the importance of remaining organized in their workspace.

  • Delegate responsibilities: By making sure that the right tasks are assigned to the right people you can make sure that assignments are being carried out in a timely and efficient manner. Work with employees to help them develop a plan for implementing assignments and then monitor their progress.

In summary, effective time management is crucial in every field of business including aviation. CD training can also help you with implementing your own training program that can help you rise above the competition. After taking our corporate training academy classes, you will have the knowledge on how to launch your business into the stratosphere and will help you build rapport with your customers. These skills can help you retain current customers and gain new ones.


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