The Three Learning Styles

The Three Learning Styles

One of the biggest challenges in the field of training is catering to each person’s particular learning styles. Every individual has a method in which they can acquire the most information. There are three basic learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. A challenge that many educators run into is incorporating all three styles into their teaching/training methods. If they only include one or two of them, then some learners may be at a disadvantage and not learn the information as easily. There are a few people that learn best through a combination of the methods. Let’s take a look at the three main learning styles, and how they can be used within a training program to maximize the amount of information that is being absorbed by learners.

Visual learners obtain information easier when there is a visual representation of the concept in front of them. Being able to actually see an example, rather than just listening to a description helps them have a better understanding of the material. One of the easiest ways to show a visual is by providing pictures. These can be printed in booklets and worksheets, or put into PowerPoint presentations or online training courses. Pictures are a great way to clear up any confusion and show people real-life scenarios. Other visual tools are diagrams, charts, demonstrations, and videos. Demonstrations can be more helpful than pictures because learners can see the actual process of how things are done.

Auditory learners learn best by simply listening to what is happening around them. They can sit through a lecture with limited to no visuals and have no problem acquiring knowledge. Other auditory examples could be group discussions, listening to podcasts, or even simple audio clips.

The final learning style is Kinesthetic, which uses hands-on activities that require some kind of movement. One way that training courses often do this is to have the learner pause their progress during a training class or online learning module to physically try something themselves. The people who learn best with this style have to actually do the movements or processes in order to fully grasp the concept.

Many corporate training programs may have a difficult time incorporating all three learning styles, but CD Training Academy uses a variety of techniques to reach all types of learners. Each course offers something different; we try to keep things interesting. Users can find courses with plenty of pictures and diagrams, some with audio and video, and some that even ask them to participate in an activity. We know that everyone has unique learning processes; therefore, we at CD Training Academy do our best to cater to every individual learner.


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